For an athlete to develop in their sport, many hours of hard work are required to reach their athletic goals. Through this journey, athletes will come across challenges, adversity, and many opportunities to grow. PacificSport Vancouver Island can help these athletes on their path. Geoff Hackett, Mental Performance Consultant, is a resource local athletes in the Mid Island area can access to enhance their performance within their sport.

Geoff holds a Masters degree in Human Kinetics with a specialization in sport psychology from the University of Windsor. He is an intern with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association, and works with athletes on many different issues related to mental performance, such as:

·         Improve confidence

·         Develop their ability to concentrate

·         Increase motivation

·         Mentally prepare for competition

·         Recover from injuries or setbacks

·         Make a positive transition from sport

Mental performance training is intended to provide performance enhancement for athletes, performance artists, and teams. For an athlete to feel on top of their game, they must overcome the psychological challenges that are a part of their sport. By working with a mental performance consultant, athletes will learn how to regulate their emotions, thoughts and actions to play at an optimal level, deal with the many different stressors they face in competition, and develop a positive balance between sport and their personal life.

PacificSport Vancouver Island is committed to providing you new resources to reach your athletic pursuits. If you would like to contact Geoff for an initial session, please email at