These resources are intended to equip sport leaders with relevant policy creation, as well as practical, hands-on guidance to create more inclusive environments and practices related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. viaSport is partnering with community leaders on the following education, promotion and awareness building activities:

  • Partnering with You Can Play to create public awareness around the need for inclusivity in sport and demonstrate allyship with the LGBTQIA2S+ community
  • Building capacity in the sector by helping coaches, parents, athletes and volunteers understand how to create inclusive spaces for individuals that identify with the LGBTQIA2S+ community
  • Leading an Inclusion Ambassador Program to allow individuals to stay easily connected to research, trends, and best practice recommendations in the LGBTQIA2S+ area

Following the PRIDE Forum hosted in September 2017, viaSport formed a LGBTQI2S working group with representatives from 11 B.C. Provincial Sport Ogranizations (PSOs) and Disability Sport Organizations (DSOs). With expertise and guidance provided by the working group, You Can Play and a number of other national and provincial organizations, five resources have been developed and are now available for sport organizations:

  1. LGBTQI2S Policy Readiness Checklist
  2. Adopting Inclusive Policy Language
  3. Trans Athlete Inclusion Guidelines
  4. Creating Inclusive Environments
  5. Collecting Gender Identity Information
  6. Inclusion in Sport Coaching

Download viaSport’s complete LGBTQI2S Resource Guide in PDF here

For more information, please see the viaSport LGBTQI2S Resource page