Cultural Communities: Active for Life Workshop

Tournament Capital Centre

PacificSport Inerior BC and the City of Kamloops are excited to put on Cultural Communities workshop, hosted by Sport for Life.   Cultural Communities is designed to support leaders as they embark on a journey to develop sustainable quality sport and physical activity programs, builds collaborative relationships, re-engage their community members into active and healthy […]


NCCP Basic Mental Skills

Tournament Capital Centre

The goal of the NCCP Basic Mental Skills module is to support coaches in developing mental skills in their day-to-day practice as a coach Learning Outcomes Integrate mental-preparation strategies into practices Help participants be mentally prepared for competition Duration Training for the NCCP Basic Mental Skills module takes approximately 4 hours and it covers 6 […]


Inclusive Physical Literacy

Tournament Capital Centre

PacificSport Inerior BC and the City of Kamloops are excited to put on Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop, hosted by Sport for Life. Date: February 22nd Time: 9:00 – 1:00 Location: TCC Cost: FREE Register HERE The Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop will help participants understand the importance of physical literacy development for every participant of all abilities. This […]


NCCP Design a Basic Sport Program

Tournament Capital Centre

After completing the NCCP Design a Basic Sport Program module, you will be able to: develop a program structure based on opportunities for training and competition; establish indicators of athlete development in the program; and develop practice plans that reflect seasonal training priority Register Here

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