Registered Coaches are eligible for programs and support services as well as professional development and travel grants.

Coach Eligibility

Coaches qualify to be a “Registered Coach” in three ways:

  1. Be the designated “Regional Coach” by your Provincial/National Sport Organization and actively coaching a current PacificSport Nominated Targeted Athlete, AND must have NCCP accreditation in the old Levels 3 (minimum 3-4) or new NCCP Competition-Development context Trained (or equivalent)
  2. Be a currently enrolled ACD (Advanced Coaching Diploma) coach or an ACD (NCI-BC) alumni who remains actively coaching or involved in mentoring/training other coaches.
  3. Be designated coach and receiving funding as a Provincial or Regional coach

If you have received a letter stating that you are eligbile, then please contact Sport Performance Coordinator to setup an intake meeting. This appointment will take approximately 30 minutes.  At this time you will receive your PacificSport Interior BC card.

Community Partner Benefits & Services

NCCP Certification

National Coaching Certification Program

Sport Education & Webinars

Nutrition, Strength, & Conditioning, Mental Training & General Interest Workshops

Travel Grant and Certification Funding and other funding

Testing and Assessment Services

Coach Resources

Coaching Resources and quick links

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