Serena Graf is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in Kamloops, BC. She grew up as a multi-sport athlete competing in volleyball, basketball, softball, curling, track and field and soccer before eventually specializing in the throwing events in athletics. She competed for the BC Summer Games, Canada Summer games, and as an NCAA Div 1 student-athlete at the University of Pennsylvania in the javelin, shot put, hammer, and weight throw events. After completing her BA in Psychology at UPenn in 2016, she completed an MA in Counselling Psychology at TWU where she continued her love of the throwing events by working as a student assistant coach for the Spartans 2016-2017. Trained under a team of neuropsychologists, she spent 5 years building her training and experience in concussion recovery and injury rehabilitation at rehabilitation clinics and in private practice before launching her own business, Headwinds Clinical Counselling, providing telephone and video counselling and consulting services throughout BC. She is excited to give back to PacificSport Interior and the community, and integrate her professional experience with her perspective holding many roles in the sports community including coach, official, volunteer, and athlete.