Bernard is a member of the Upper Nicola Band and is proud of his Syilx (Okanagan), Nlaka’pamux (Thompson) and Secwepemc roots. Bernard is a multi-sport athlete and coach specializing in hockey, lacrosse, archery and athletics. Bernard has coached at the 2018 BC Summer Games as an Assistant Coach for the first All-Indigenous Lacrosse team to compete at the BC Games and has represented Team BC at the past seven North American Indigenous Games as an athlete, coach and Mission Staff member. Bernard currently plays lacrosse for the Kamloops Sr Rattlers Lacrosse team and competes in Sprints at master’s Athletics events.
Bernard holds diplomas from Vancouver Island University in Recreation & Sport Management and in Physical Education. Bernard and his wife, Maple, live a very active life with their three children; Keanu, Phoenix and Linden